
A great place to start your research into Grommet and Eartube Surgery is on our Video page. Presented by our Founder, Mimi Kwa, these videos cover a range of topics and even includes a fun cartoon to watch with your child which helps explain to your child what to expect from grommets or ear tube surgery! 

If you have any advice you wanted to share - please let us know at

little grommets XO


"'s a very quick operation that only takes about 15mins and they will be out in recovery before you know it! We also got a new toy for our little boy to open when he got back to his room." - Amber

"Practice using plugs & headband before surgery so that it's normal when you come home." - Sharon

"I bought a small oxygen mask from a medical supply shop on the internet so my 2 year old little boy could practise wearing a mask so he would not be afraid when the time came for them to put the real mask on, it worked great and he wasn't afraid." - Rachel

"Be tough and brave until you walk out of that theatre! They are very scared when a mask is put on their face to put them to sleep, but it is all over before they know it. But also expect them to be very tired and lethargic after the anesthetic." - Emma